Tuesday, 24 September 2013

A Thousand Points of Warfare: The Pictures

Last Friday night I had an awesome battle with two young lads, Melih and Rowan. Though their 1500pt list (we upscaled it a bit) was filled with some cheese (*cough* the Stormlord *cough*) and I got utterly wiped from the table, I still had a lot of fun. On my insistence, we filled the table with all sorts of terrain. The more terrain, the better.
I fielded two tactical squads, one with Ezekyle attached, the other in a rhino. A Mortis-Contemptor, a Company Master with a versatile Veterans squad, scouts and finally a rifleman dreadnought.
That against the shootiest and killiest army out there and two young rules lawyers which left no stone unturned.
All in all, though facing defeat, I had a blast.

Setting up the table.

The final set up of the battelfield.

Nightfighting. (The flash!)

This time without a flash. The scouts got wiped in two shots..

Some unpainted, but nevertheless deadly.

The Guardians march.

The Command squad in the trench.

Hunter squad. Killed with one volley of Battlesuit fire.

Into the fray!

Overview of the trenches.

The foe approaches!

Close combat!

Birds eye view.

Challenge! (Which I lost..)


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