Thursday, 1 August 2013

Guardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part I: Unboxing

Hey folks,

It's been quite a while since I last posted. And I have to admit, my Damocles Rhino isn't finished yet. I blame it all on the summer. It's hot here in the Netherlands. Couple that with lots of hours on spent working and what's left of the time needing to be spent with the lady, that's not much time left for the hobby. Oh, how I long for cooler days.

Anyway. As you've already seen in the title, I've started work on a very special project. Ever since it came out last year, love bloomed between me and the Fellblade. It's an expensive thing, I know, but a little savings go a long way. It went from romantic dream to a certainty when I read the index of Forge World's upcoming Imperial Armour: Apocalypse. It has RULES for the Fellblade for uses in 40k Apocalypse matches. Aw yiss!

When I read it, I just knew I had to buy one. And so I did. The friendly neighbourhood UPS-man made my day today when he stopped by with a huge box.

The first thing about this kit, it's massive. And when I mean massive, I mean truly, vastly massive. Just the turret dome weighs more than a Land Raider. It's a solid chunk of resin, not to mention the top plate on which it will eventually rest. This tank is a beast that will dwarf even a mighty Baneblade. All in all, I really wonder what this model will weigh once I've put it together. That said, I just had to share it with you guys.
I've put a Marine next to it to show you the size of the Fellblade's parts. I am happy to announce the first of it's kind: a Guardians of the Covenant Fellblade.

For once, I'm happy that my girlfriend doesn't read this blog, because I think I'm in love with something else.

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