Sunday, 9 February 2014

Thousand Points of Warfare: Devastation

Hey all,

Last Friday I played a nice match against a friend's Necron army down at the FLGS. The list I made was centered around the Dark Angels' Banner of Devastation, which makes all boltguns salvo 2/4 weapons. I kept the tactical squads low on points and high on bolters and hid them behind an Aegis line. Other important features of the army were the Librarian, which I gave the Primaris Divination power, allowing re-rolls of failed to-hot rolls, as well as a power field generator, to generate a 6" 4++ radius. All in all, I settled for efficient protection as well as a lot of firepower,

The match itself was pretty intense. All omens were in my favour and I even took down a shard of the Nightbringer, In the end, however, I lost. This was due to my lack of anti-tank weapons. The tank was destroyed, the quad-gun unusable and my opponent took out my multi-melta and plasma gun in his first turn due to sheer luck on his side and bad positioning on my side.

All in all, it was an awesome match to play and it really shows that there's a lot more possible with the Dark Angel codex if one thinks past the conventional lists.  Anyway, here's the army list below and of course some pictures of the firing line just before the start of the match.

+ HQ + (100pts)

    * Librarian (100pts) 
        (Independent Character)
        Inner Circle (Fearless, Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines))
        * Power Armour (35pts) 
            Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Infantry, Infravisor (5pts), Power Field Generator (30pts)
        * Psyker
            Level 1 (Mastery Level 1) Primaris Power: Divination

    * Command Squad (225pts) 
        (And They Shall Know No Fear)
        Apothecary (15pts), Company Champion (15pts), Devastation (65pts), Frag and Krak Grenades, Grim Resolve (*, Stubborn), No Transport, 2x Plasma Gun (30pts), Power Armour, 5x Veterans (100pts)

+ Elites + (120pts)

    * Dreadnought (120pts) 
        No Transport, Smoke Launchers and Searchlight, Twin Linked Autocannon (15pts), Twin Linked Autocannon (5pts)

+ Troops + (315pts)

    * Tactical Squad (155pts) 
        (And They Shall Know No Fear)
        Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag and Krak Grenades, Grim Resolve (*, Stubborn), No Transport, Plasma Cannon (15pts), Power Armour, 9x Tactical Marine (126pts)
        * Sergeant (14pts) 
            Bolt Pistol, Boltgun

    * Tactical Squad (160pts) 
        (And They Shall Know No Fear)
        Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Frag and Krak Grenades, Grim Resolve (*, Stubborn), Lascannon (20pts), No Transport, Power Armour, 9x Tactical Marine (126pts)
        * Sergeant (14pts) 
            Bolt Pistol, Boltgun

+ Heavy Support + (140pts)

    * Predator (140pts) 
        Lascannons (40pts), Smoke Launchers and Searchlight, Twin Linked Lascannon (25pts)

+ Fortification + (100pts)

    * Aegis Defence Line (100pts) 
        Gun Emplacement with Quad-gun (50pts)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Guardians of the Covenant Fellblade Superheavy Tank - Part VII: Pre-weathering

Hey folks,

Last Friday saw a lot of work on this bad boy. From highlights to further colouring and actually painting the quad lascannons, that afternoon saw a lot of work done. I even started working on the commander which is hanging out of the turret dome. Now, the pictures aren't the best, and there is even some dust visible on the model itself, but these pictures give a good idea about how the tank looks pre-weathering.
I've got some Forge World weathering powders ready. The exhausts and barrels will get a layer of soot and of course the tracks will get some caked mud and rust, same as the hull. Another nice thing to experiment with here are the new technical paints from Games Workshop: Ryza Rust and Typhus Corrosion mainly.
All in all, there is still a lot that needs to be done before this tank will deliver havoc in Apocalypse and Escalation both. That, and this blog was in dire need of a proper update.

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