Saturday, 4 October 2014

Storm of Iron: Iron Warriors Vindicator

Hey guys,

Been a while since I posted. I've had a several month hiatus from the hobby. Nevertheless, my Iron Warriors army is nearing completion. I've been steadily building towards a list of around 1500-1850 points. I expect it to be fully done this month. Expect some very cool pictures when it's completed.

On the other hand, sticking with the Iron Warriors, I've been planning a small Horus Heresy army. Due to the high cost of the models, it will be a long-term novelty project. But painting worn metal and hazard stripes have proven to be such fun, that I'm willing to do some more.

Cheers and have a nice weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Nice weathering on the vindicator, especially the shield. You are one of the first people I've seen actually put the round on the back of the vindicator. Mine always seems to break off then get lost somewhere in a box.


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