Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Building a Greater Brass Scorpion part I

I haven't worked on my Guardians for some time now. Nevertheless, they still receive much gaming love, the hobby aspect has shifted to my Iron Warriors for the time being. I have recently bought myself a new toy to work with: a Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne. And my, is this a monstrous kit. It has so many parts, that the washing and cleaning all the parts felt more like doing the dishes.

I've started building it and gradually giving it a base coat,but it's nowhere near finished just yet. The legs connect with ball joints and are really flimsy. So I plan on putting the body on a large lump of clay just to keep it in position while glue the legs together. If that doesn't work, I will turn to pinning the model, which I actually want to avoid if not necessary.

I will keep you updated with the progress on this beast.


  1. I was a bit worried for your sanity for a bit, until I realized the towel beneath was creating false positives for resin bits!

  2. Ghehe, I see what you mean!
    The big resin chunks really were a pain to cut off (as I didn't have a saw, and some were well over half an inch think!

    1. I wonder how much the scorp weighs when fully assembled. That's one thing you never get from the photos...the heft of the mini. Someone let me pick up their sicaran at nova, it was like hefting a brick!

      For comparison, here is what a mega dread looks like in bitz after washing.

  3. Well, I've got a Fellblade as well and I've weighed that one. It's almost 2 pounds (at around 900 grams) fully kitted! The main body of the scorpion is a massive chunk of resin.
    I've always wondered what the gargantuan squiggoth or the thunderhawk, or even the titans weigh. if the Fellblade is already that heavy.


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