It's been a while since I last posted, but with good reason: I was very busy with a lot of things. Work, life, etcetera.
Two week ago I had an epic battle. One of which I promised to post a lot of pictures. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. Though I wasn't the only one planning to bring a camera (Others didn't forget it!), the quality of the photos taken was very poor, and those few action shots that passed the test were either taken poorly, or full of the people playing with the armies. Not really much use for the blog, methinks.
Just before the match started (early morning, on the day the game was planned) I managed to finish up my command squad. Though it's not fully done (heraldry, I know), it's done enough to give them some love here on the blog.
The Company Master and his squad were riding a Storm Eagle right into the heart of the action in turn three.
After they disembarked, they managed to come into close combat with an actual Soul Grinder.
Only the thunder hammer carried by the Master itself could actually punch through its armour. They were carrying the Chapter Banner, together with a charge, giving the Master two extra attacks. Add that to the three attacks the master has by default, it comes down to a grand total of five staggering hammer hits.
Result: the Soul Grinder had been utterly obliterated. One of the most epic moments in the match.
Enjoy the pictures.